Querying UDS Graphs

Decomp provides a rich array of methods for querying UDS graphs: both pre-compiled and user-specified. Arbitrary user-specified graph queries can be performed using the UDSSentenceGraph.query instance method. This method accepts arbitrary SPARQL 1.1 queries, either as strings or as precompiled Query objects built using RDFlib’s prepareQuery.

NOTE: Querying is not currently supported for document-level graphs (UDSDocumentGraph objects) or for sentence-level graphs that contain raw annotations (RawUDSDataset).

Pre-compiled queries

For many use cases, the various instance attributes and methods for accessing nodes, edges, and their attributes in the UDS graphs will likely be sufficient; there is no need to use query. For example, to get a dictionary mapping identifiers for syntax nodes in the UDS graph to their attributes, you can use:


To get a dictionary mapping identifiers for semantics nodes in the UDS graph to their attributes, you can use:


To get a dictionary mapping identifiers for semantics edges (tuples of node identifiers) in the UDS graph to their attributes, you can use:


To get a dictionary mapping identifiers for semantics edges (tuples of node identifiers) in the UDS graph involving the predicate headed by the 7th token to their attributes, you can use:


To get a dictionary mapping identifiers for syntax edges (tuples of node identifiers) in the UDS graph to their attributes, you can use:


And to get a dictionary mapping identifiers for syntax edges (tuples of node identifiers) in the UDS graph involving the node for the 7th token to their attributes, you can use:


There are also methods for accessing relationships between semantics and syntax nodes. For example, you can get a tuple of the ordinal position for the head syntax node in the UDS graph that maps of the predicate headed by the 7th token in the corresponding sentence to a list of the form and lemma attributes for that token, you can use:

uds["ewt-train-12"].head('ewt-train-12-semantics-pred-7', ['form', 'lemma'])

And if you want the same information for every token in the span, you can use:

uds["ewt-train-12"].span('ewt-train-12-semantics-pred-7', ['form', 'lemma'])

This will return a dictionary mapping ordinal position for syntax nodes in the UDS graph that make of the predicate headed by the 7th token in the corresponding sentence to a list of the form and lemma attributes for the corresponding tokens.

Custom queries

Where the above methods generally turn out to be insufficient is in selecting nodes and edges on the basis of (combinations of their attributes). This is where having the full power of SPARQL comes in handy. This power comes with substantial slow downs in the speed of queries, however, so if you can do a query without using SPARQL you should try to.

For example, if you were interested in extracting only predicates referring to events that likely happened and likely lasted for minutes, you could use:

querystr = """
           SELECT ?pred
           WHERE { ?pred <domain> <semantics> ;
                         <type> <predicate> ;
                         <factual> ?factual ;
                         <dur-minutes> ?duration
                         FILTER ( ?factual > 0 && ?duration > 0 )

results = {gid: graph.query(querystr, query_type='node', cache_rdf=False)
           for gid, graph in uds.items()}

Or more tersely (but equivalently):

results = uds.query(querystr, query_type='node', cache_rdf=False)

Note that the query_type parameter is set to 'node'. This setting means that a dictionary mapping node identifiers to node attribute values will be returned. If no such query type is passed, an RDFLib Result object will be returned, which you will need to postprocess yourself. This is necessary if, for instance, you are making a CONSTRUCT, ASK, or DESCRIBE query.

Also, note that the cache_rdf parameter is set to False. This is a memory-saving measure, as UDSSentenceGraph.query implicitly builds an RDF graph on the backend, and these graphs can be quite large. Leaving cache_rdf at its defaults of True will substantially speed up later queries at the expense of sometimes substantial memory costs.

Constraints can also make reference to node and edge attributes of other nodes. For instance, if you were interested in extracting all predicates referring to events that are likely spatiotemporally delimited and have at least one spatiotemporally delimited participant that was volitional in the event, you could use:

querystr = """
           SELECT DISTINCT ?node
           WHERE { ?node ?edge ?arg ;
                         <domain> <semantics> ;
                         <type>   <predicate> ;
                         <pred-particular> ?predparticular
                         FILTER ( ?predparticular > 0 ) .
                   ?arg  <domain> <semantics> ;
                         <type>   <argument>  ;
                         <arg-particular> ?argparticular
                         FILTER ( ?argparticular > 0 ) .
                   ?edge <volition> ?volition
                         FILTER ( ?volition > 0 ) .

results = uds.query(querystr, query_type='node', cache_rdf=False)

Disjunctive constraints are also possible. For instance, for the last query, if you were interested in either volitional or sentient arguments, you could use:

querystr = """
           SELECT DISTINCT ?node
           WHERE { ?node ?edge ?arg ;
                         <domain> <semantics> ;
                         <type>   <predicate> ;
                         <pred-particular> ?predparticular
                         FILTER ( ?predparticular > 0 ) .
                   ?arg  <domain> <semantics> ;
                         <type>   <argument>  ;
                         <arg-particular> ?argparticular
                         FILTER ( ?argparticular > 0 ) .
                   { ?edge <volition> ?volition
                           FILTER ( ?volition > 0 )
                   } UNION
                   { ?edge <sentient> ?sentient
                           FILTER ( ?sentient > 0 )

results = uds.query(querystr, query_type='node', cache_rdf=False)

Beyond returning node attributes based on complex constraints, you can also return edge attributes. For instance, for the last query, if you were interested in all the attributes of edges connecting predicates and arguments satisfying the constraints of the last query, you could simply change which variable is bound by SELECT and set query_type to 'edge'.

querystr = """
           SELECT ?edge
           WHERE { ?node ?edge ?arg ;
                         <domain> <semantics> ;
                         <type>   <predicate> ;
                         <pred-particular> ?predparticular
                         FILTER ( ?predparticular > 0 ) .
                   ?arg  <domain> <semantics> ;
                         <type>   <argument>  ;
                         <arg-particular> ?argparticular
                         FILTER ( ?argparticular > 0 ) .
                   { ?edge <volition> ?volition
                           FILTER ( ?volition > 0 )
                   } UNION
                   { ?edge <sentient> ?sentient
                           FILTER ( ?sentient > 0 )

results = uds.query(querystr, query_type='edge', cache_rdf=False)